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You Can Help

The Ukrainian Integral community has the ability to help people inside Ukraine via both large and small trusted initiatives who are responding to the direct needs of the people. Through your donations, you can help relieve the immediate physical suffering and emotional trauma caused by war.

In early March 2022, John Dupuy, co-founder of iAwake Technologies and co-host of the podcast Deep Transformation: Self-Society-Spirit, recorded a podcast called Integral Perspectives on the Ongoing Invasion of Ukraine with Ukrainian integralists Kateryna Yasko and Vytautas Bučiūnas, who had fled Kyiv only a few days earlier and are now temporarily displaced/living in Lithuania. Immediately following the recording, John decided to create a funnel to help heal and support the Ukrainian people via Kateryna and Vytautas and their network of volunteers.

Since then, hundreds of people have received help—medical help, food supplies, first aid kits—all targeted to aid the most vulnerable.

Now at IEC, John and Kateryna are launching a common fundraising effort to encourage participants at the conference, both online and in person, to show up and contribute to the cause of freedom, dignity, and democracy that Ukrainian people are fiercely fighting for.

If you would like to support the Ukrainian people,
there are 2 options

Send funds to trusted organizations.

These are the 3 foundations we particularly recommend:

Razom for Ukraine

Razom means “together” in Ukrainian and serves as a constant reminder of the community that it takes to create, build and do.

Voices of Children

Since 2015, the Voices of Children Charitable Foundation has been providing psychological and psychosocial assistance to children affected by the war.


Assistance with food, hygiene products Targeted assistance with food & basic necessities.

Send funds directly to Kateryna’s or iAwake’s PayPal account.

With this option you may feel more connected with Ukrainian integralists, supporting their initiatives that relate to:

  • First aid kits and first aid training for civilians and servicemen
  • Food, medicines, and essential products for homeless people and pets in the suburbs of Kyiv
  • Support groups for displaced Ukrainian women (online for the whole world and offline in Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Targeted support for people arriving in Lithuania from the hottest zones of Ukraine

More details are to be found in the video updates posted on the iAwake website.

iAwake PayPal:Donate here

Kateryna’s PayPal address:

As a thank you from iAwake for your donation and support of Ukraine, please accept the gift of a free iAwake audio track – just include “Ukraine” in the PayPal note, and after you’ve donated, send the receipt to

Thank you, IEC participants, for showing up for Ukraine!

Kateryna Yasko

John Dupuy

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