Integral City integrates and synthesizes the evolutionary dynamics of the city as the most complex human system yet created. Guided by Gaia’s Evolutionary Impulse, we can build City Capacity for Peace when we honour Context and live the Master Code of Care, simultaneously Caring for Self, Others, Place and Planet.
Integral City proposes cities are Gaia’s Reflective Organs, with humans the cells in those organs and our organizations their sub-systems/organelles. (Lovelock)
Learning from Gaia, Integral Cities as Organs of Reflection create an ecology for the emergence of Peace by evolving 10 City Capacities through:
- 5 sets of intelligences
- Biomimicry lessons from the human hive
- Co-existing 4 realities
- 4 ways of knowing
- 4+1 Voices to serve the Purpose of Peace
- Maturing species development
- City growth through steps and stages
- Master Code of Care to expand our circles of compassion
- Human Security as Ecology for Peace
- Managing Peace and Conflict with the 4 Voices as 3rd Side
We have the tools and skills to design the City as Gaia’s Organ of Peace. We call forth the will to Placecare and Placemake the City of Peace as our legacy for future generations.