The world premiere of Steve’s inspirational choral work, ‘Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio’ will be just before the IEC conference, 14.5.22 in London and online. It is the first major sacred choral work to convey Integral spirituality.
We will go through an Integral debrief of the experience of listening to Blue Pearl (you need to have heard either the concert or the demo recording on Steve’s website). What is the impact of listening to this Integral music and also the opening ritual, especially in relation to the feeling of *human* identity, transcending identity with a particular race or creed?
Then we will focus on music as a building block in the evolution of a global culture, where peace between nations becomes a real possibility. National anthems play an important role in maintaining a sense of national identity. We need ‘world anthems’, such as ‘One Mother, One Father’ and ‘Blue Pearl’, acting as ‘magnets’ for worldcentric culture.