Play creates peace when we are present, expectant and open hearted. Learning to play safely is pleasurable, calming, exciting, surprising and fun. We develop sensitivity and the courage to be ourselves. With practice, play increases our capacity to include more, hold more, feel more. A ‘yes’ develops to include everyone and everything around us. Applied to different areas of life, a playful capacity can brighten the darkest of moments, level hierarchies and create space for wisdom to reveal itself. In public space, in education, in family life, in healthcare, in organisations there could be more of the renewing and innovative energy of play. Conscious play leads to greater awareness of life and the simple ability to bring what is most useful to restore balance, find solutions, bring joy and peace. Just as a court jester can powerfully influence a ruler, so can our playfulness frees us from our inner dictator. The discipline of play begins with being willing to surrender to what is right now, to listening, to being kind and also courageous. Becoming friendly with the unknown and playful, can help when there is disruption, overwhelm and fear. And when we allow ourselves to play for the pleasure of it, we can be played by the field, the divine, that which knows how to make peace, flood us with joy, inspire us with beauty, restore our hope with goodness. This play is learnable and needed. Collectively can we get better at play? Let us see what we can invite in. You can also join the Integral Playground / Renaissance of Troubadours: