Our session will explore the possibility for world peace to be actively “practiced” in community so we can become the embodied, global citizens capable of navigating our crises. Specifically, we will explore how such practice occurs in Integrally-informed “social experiments” or co-creative “practice communities,” as advocated by Terry Patten.
After presenting his new book, A New Republic of the Heart, at IEC in 2018, Terry Patten initiated a “social experiment” of hundreds of members across over 20 countries to practice the “inner work” of personal development, the “interpersonal work” of authentic relating, and the “outer work” of real-world social action.
Sadly — yet beautifully and in deep presence — Terry died in October of 2021. Our practice community carries forward his legacy and continues its activist momentum.
In our session, we will shine a light on the new field of social experiments and practice communities emerging around the world, share our community learnings, and facilitate breakouts with we-space practices related to global activism and grounded in heart-centred Integral theory.