The purpose of this workshop is to open a space for members of the integral community to share their mental health experiences and to help destigmatize mental illnesses. During the pandemic I experienced extremes of anxiety and depression, together with psychotic symptoms, some obsessive-compulsive behaviour, and a hypermanic episode induced by anti-depressant medication. I descended the developmental spiral all the way down to Infrared/Beige, when my remaining motivation was survival – literally living for my next meal. There were times when I stared at my reflection in the mirror and told myself I was bat-shit crazy. I lost all hope for the future and eventually felt as if the last ounces of my life-force energy were ebbing from my body and I was at death’s door. And then one day, miraculously, the prison of fears that I had created evaporated like fog an autumn day, and a new, limitless version of myself emerged. And throughout this journey, the Integral Witness was there.