
Herly is the creator of a technology to develop an integrative awareness called Aqalware Update. He is also a Big Mind facilitator and Zen student with Master Genpo Roshi, USA. Likewise, he is a transpersonal coach certified by Brain Touch of Portugal and the International Association of Coaching – Institutes (ICI), Germany and an international coach certified by the International Coaching Community (ICC), England. He is a lawyer and co-leader of Hispanoamérica Integral.

Herly es creador de una tecnología para desarrollar una conciencia integradora denominada Actualización de Aqalware. Es también facilitador de Big Mind y estudiante de zen con el maestro Genpo Roshi, USA. Así mismo, es coach transpersonal certificado por Brain Touch de Portugal y la International Association of Coaching – Institutes (ICI), Alemania y coach internacional certificado por la International Coaching Community (ICC), Inglaterra. Es abogado y colider de Hispanoamérica Integral.

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